Aker BP organized hackathon in collaboration with Cognite, Aker Solutions, Microsoft and Tietoevry

On Monday and Tuesday this week, we organized a hackathon at our offices in Fornebu. Together with external partners from Cognite, Aker Solutions, Microsoft and Tietoevry, they sat down to solve industry-specific problems.

This time, the theme of the hackathon was Generative AI and up front there were almost 20 suggestions for use cases submitted by the organization. In the end, four of them were selected: 

Use case 1: Offshore rotation and emergency preparedness  

Is it possible to make a program that finds the best rotation of offshore personnel to minimize the number of people on board while ensuring sufficient redundancy of the necessary competencies.  

Use case 2: Design and verification copilot  

Can copilots be used to increase efficiency in design and verification of new facilities? For instance, find relevant requirements from specific standards or rules, verify that a design is in accordance with the requirements set out in a standard or rule, and also generate a design from a set of requirements? 

Use case 3: Root cause analysis  

Failures on equipment offshore lead to increased downtime and operational costs. To improve operations and mitigate future failures, root cause analyses (RCA) are conducted. Finding the root cause involves searching for relevant information from a vast number of documents. Is it possible to use generative AI to accelerate the search time, leading to more efficient root cause analysis, which in turn could reduce downtime and increase value outtake?  

Use case 4: Asset tag groups from image boundaries 

Can we use copilots to automatically generate asset tag groups from images with drawn boundaries? For instance, retrieve and group relevant object information based on tags identified in P&ID drawings. 

Read about our last hackathon here: Aker BP Hackathon 2023: A celebration of data science! – Aker BP

Intensive, but productive days

For two days, the groups were working on their use case, before presenting their research to the rest of the audience.  

– I had a great time coordinating the hackathon and it was amazing to see how we could use copilots to tackle real-world problems and create innovative solutions. In total we had over 50 participants coming from all over Europe, from 5 different companies, joining in for the two days, says Eirik Aasen, Digital Platform Manager for Microsoft in Aker BP.

Simen Eldevik, Data & Development Manager in Aker BP, was also impressed by the groups’ effort.

– I am very happy with the energy of the groups and the willingness to jump out in the deep end of the pool. None of the use cases we selected were easy – we selected them exactly because they were challenging and were relevant to the industry, he says.

This is an amazing format for intense knowledge transfer and learning on interesting industry challenges!