AKERBP: Oil discovery in the NOAKA area

Aker BP is about to complete the Liatårnet exploration well in licence 442 in the NOAKA area. The well has proved oil with a gross resource estimate of 80-200 mmboe. Further data acquisition and analysis will be undertaken to determine the drainage strategy and recovery factor for the discovery.

Evy Glørstad-Clark, SVP Exploration in Aker BP commented:
“The exploration success at Liatårnet is an encouraging result of a long-term strategy to unlock the exploration potential in the NOAKA area and provide the basis for an area development. The discovery represents a significant addition to the NOAKA resource base.”

Aker BP is the operator and holds 90.26 percent interest in licence 442. The partner is LOTOS (9.74 percent).

A more detailed technical description of the well results will be released by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate when the operation has been completed.
