Jan Erik Lie is Technology Champion 2022!

Geophysicist Jan Erik Lie from Aker BP receives the OG21 Technology Champion award for 2022 for his efforts in developing and using new technologies for understanding the underground. Congratulations!

The award took place at the OG21 forum organized by the Norwegian Research Council on November 16th. The Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland presented the award. He pointed out that understanding the underground forms the basis for value creation from the Norwegian continental shelf, and the results from Jan Erik Lie’s work have therefore benefited both Norwegian society, suppliers and energy companies.

A total of 18 people or organizations were nominated. Jury leader Roy Ruså, who is digitization director at Petoro, said that many of the nominees could have been worthy winners of the award. But that Jan Erik Lie was still considered the best candidate this year because of the many, important technologies that he has been driving.

Jan Erik Lie is an Advanced Geophysicist at Aker BP. He has been central to the development and introduction of the technology TopSeis for seismic acquisition, which has been used in several areas of the Barents Sea, and for the use of machine learning in the processing and interpretation of subsurface data. Jan Erik is recognized and respected for his profession far beyond Norway’s borders.

In his acceptance speech, he pointed out that he accepts the award, not only on his own behalf, but for the community of which he is a part of. And that important factors for success in the development of new methods and technologies are to dare to try, and to allow yourself to make mistakes. You learn a lot from mistakes.

This is the second time the OG21 Technology Champion award has gone to an Aker BP employee. In 2019, Kalle Hersvik won as one of two winners. He shared the award with Bjørn Rudshaug from Equinor.