Conversion stop in Aker BP SDRs

We hereby inform that from 27 March 2023 until 6 April 2023 it will not be possible to execute CBT (Cross border transaction) from Sweden to convert Aker BP SDRs (ISIN SE0017486566) to ordinary Aker BP shares (ISIN NO0010345853) because of the record date for the upcoming Annual General Meeting.
Last date to instruct to initiate a conversion will therefore be 27 March 2023.

As from 6 April it will be possible to send CBT instructions again. Please observe that trade-/settlement date can only be from this date and can’t be historical.

Information to holders of Aker BP SDRs:

  • The Aker BP SDRs have been issued in connection with Aker BP's acquisition of Lundin Energy's oil and gas business.
  • Each SDR represents an ownership interest in one ordinary share in Aker BP. The underlying ordinary shares in Aker BP are deposited with SEB. 
  • The SDRs are not listed on any stock exchange. The shares in Aker BP are listed on Oslo Børs (LINK).
  • The SDR programme is a temporary solution which will be terminated in July 2023. The underlying ordinary shares in Aker BP will then be sold in the market, and the net proceeds will be paid pro rata to the holders of the remaining SDRs.
  • Information on the AGM and proxy voting for SDR holders have been distributed to the Swedish market on 24 March 2023.

More information can be found here: Information to Lundin shareholders – Aker BP
