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Aker BP ASA announces pricing of Senior Notes Offering

Aker BP ASA announces pricing of Senior Notes Offering

Aker BP ASA (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has priced its offering (the “Offering”) of (i) $750 million aggregate principal amount of 5.125% Senior Notes due 2034 (the “2034 Notes”) at a price…

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Lysaker, 24 September 2024. Aker BP ASA (the “Company”) announced today that it has launched a multi-tranche offering (the “Offering”) of U.S. Dollar-denominated Rule 144A/Regulation S senior unsecured notes (the “Notes”). The interest…

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Aker BP ASA to hold fixed income investor meetings

Aker BP ASA to hold fixed income investor meetings

Aker BP ASA (the “Company”) today announced that a series of fixed income investor calls has been arranged. A multi-tranche U.S. dollar-denominated benchmark Rule 144A / Reg S senior unsecured notes offering may follow subject to market…

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Employees buy shares in Aker BP

Employees buy shares in Aker BP

Aker BP has received subscriptions from employees for more than 1.2 million shares at a discounted price of NOK 182.87 per share through the company’s annual share purchase programme. The subscription price represents a 20 percent discount to…

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Tyrving i produksjon

Tyrving i produksjon

Oljeproduksjonen har startet fra Tyrving-feltet i Alvheim-området. Aker BP er operatør for Tyrving, med Petoro AS og PGNiG Upstream Norway AS som partnere.   Tyrving-utbyggingen utnytter den planlagte forlengede levetiden til…

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Tyrving on stream

Tyrving on stream

Oil production has started from the Tyrving field in the Alvheim area. Tyrving is operated by Aker BP, with Petoro and PGNiG Upstream Norway as partners.   The Tyrving development leverages the planned extended lifetime for the Alvheim field…

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Grants awarded under Aker BP’s Long-Term Incentive Programme

Grants awarded under Aker BP’s Long-Term Incentive Programme

Aker BP’s Long-Term Incentive Programme (LTIP) is designed to incentivise the executive management team (EMT) to deliver on the company’s long-term business objectives and maximise alignment with shareholder value creation. The LTIP is a…

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Valhall vant Sokkeldirektoratets pris for økt utvinning

Valhall vant Sokkeldirektoratets pris for økt utvinning

​ – Gratulerer team-Valhall og Hod, denne er til dere! Det sier direktør for Valhall-området i Aker BP, Ole Johan Molvig. På vegne av Aker BP og partner Pandion mottok han tirsdag Sokkeldirektoratets «Improved Recovery Award» på…

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Valhall wins the Norwegian Offshore Directorate’s award for improved recovery

Valhall wins the Norwegian Offshore Directorate’s award for improved recovery

“Congratulations, Team Valhall and Hod – this award is for you!” exclaimed Ole Johan Molvig, Senior Vice President for the Valhall area at Aker BP. On behalf of Aker BP and its partner Pandion, he accepted the Norwegian Offshore…

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Aker BP: Ex dividend USD 0.60 today

Aker BP: Ex dividend USD 0.60 today

The shares in Aker BP ASA will be traded ex dividend USD 0.60 (NOK 6.45618) per share as from today, 17 July 2024. The payment date will be on or about 25 July 2024.

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Aker BP historier
